How to Control the Formaldehyde on the Display Shelf?

display shelf

As we all know, most of the newly produced display shelves contain formaldehyde. But the formaldehyde is harmful to our body. If we cannot control the formaldehyde well, our body will be influenced.
1. Keep ventilation of the room;
This should be the most effective way. But it normally takes long time to entirely release the formaldehyde.
2. Formaldehyde cleaner or HYDE-I;
This is a chemical way. The central point of this way is to transform the poisonous substance to nonpoisonous substance. This is a good way that can clean up the formaldehyde in a short time. But the effect may disappear after hours.
3. Activated carbon;

Activated carbon has some effect at the beginning, because it can absorb the formaldehyde. But it can only absorb part of it and it will saturate with time going on.
