Acrylic Display Stand is better than Glass Ones

acrylic display stand
acrylic display stand

The acrylic display stand is now taking the place of glass display stand day by day. It has more advantages than the glass display stand.
1. Light weight;
The acrylic display stand is light than the glass ones. This makes it much easier for moving it.
2. Good light transparency ability;
The acrylic display stand has up to 95% light transparency ability, it is almost like the glass ones.
3. Safe;
If the glass has broken, it may hurt us because of sharp corners. That’s why we should be careful when using glass display stand. However, the acrylic display stand will not hurt us.
4. Changeable color;

The acrylic display stand can be made to various colors; it enriches the color of the stores and attracts more people to come into your store. However, the glass does not have too much kind of color can be used.
(By: Shenzhen Responsy)
