How to Prolong the Lifespan of Your Acrylic Jewelry Display Stand?

acrylic jewelry display stand
acrylic jewelry display stand

The acrylic jewelry display stand, as important display equipment for the jewelry store, need to pay more attention to the lifespan of it. Longer lifespan can help to reduce the cost of your store and bring you more profit. Today, I, on behalf of Shenzhen Responsy Display company, would like to share you some useful ways to prolong the lifespan of your acrylic jewelry display stand.
1. Maintain it regularly;
The maintenance of the acrylic jewelry display stand is very important way to prolong its lifespan. Usually, we should use soft, wet clean duster to wipe the acrylic display stand when we are clean the stand. What’s more, waxing it regularly is also a good way to keep its brightness.
2. Use it in a right way;
Some people like to drag the acrylic jewelry display stand to move it, it is a wrong way. You may damage it and make it fall apart and scratch the surface of the stand. The right way is to pick it up and then move it. In addition, you should avoid it from been knocked into some speculate things.

What’s more, we should also keep the acrylic jewelry display stand in natural environment. Too high or too cold temperature will harm the display stand and influence its brightness.
