How to Break Through the Polishing Difficulty of Acrylic Display Stand?

acrylic display stand
acrylic display stand
Most of the acrylic display stand factories have always been puzzled by its manufacturing processing technic, especially the polishing process. The result of the polishing can determines the beauty and quality of the stand to some extent.
Traditional, most of the acrylic material will be scraped by blades manually when the acrylic is cut into pieces by the sawing machine. Then, they will use buffing machine, fine sandpaper and flam polisher to polish it continuously.
However, even though these machines can achieve the polishing aim, but the result is not good. The brightness of the acrylic display stand is uneven, and the appearance is not beautiful enough. Some of the polishing effect cannot be achieved by these machines.
Under this circumstance, a new kind of acrylic display stand polishing equipment came out-- Diamond polishing machine. This machine has better effect in intensely processing of acrylic. It not only has very good polishing effect, but also can replace about 10-20 workers in the traditional polishing ways; it not only improved the manufacturing effect, but also save the cost.
The diamond polishing machine is a useful and effective polishing machine to the manufacturing processing of acrylic display stand.
