Some Knowledge about Acrylic Display Stand Binding

acrylic display stand
acrylic display stand

The binding process for acrylic display stand is important process during the manufacturing process. The result of bending will not only influence the image of the stand, but also will determines the marketing effect and influence the sales amount. The display stand factory should also pay much attention to the binding technology during the manufacturing.
The binding effect of acrylic display stand is influenced by two aspects: the mucilage and the binding skills.
1. The mucilage;
Nowadays, there are two kinds of mucilage: one is double-component, like universal glue and polyoxy resin; another one is single-component mucilage. The double component has better binding effect but it is complicated and difficult; it is not suitable for quantity production. On the contrary, single-component mucilage can dry fast and is suitable for quantity production. So the display stand factory should choose the mucilage according to the practical situation.
2. The binding skills;
This is also an aspect that can test the manufacturing ability of the display stand factory. Basically, there are abutting joint method, façade bonding method, cant bonding method and surface bonding method. Different kind of bonding method is used for different situation; and the result of the acrylic display stand would also be different.
In general, the mucilage and binding skills are two main aspects that influence the binding effect of the acrylic display stand. The display stand factory should choose the right mucilage and appropriate binding skills for different kinds of stands.
