The Norms of Colored Acrylic Board for Acrylic Display Stand

acrylic display stand
acrylic display stand
The colored acrylic board is now widely used in various fields. Today, the engineer from Shenzhen Responsy Display Company would like to share you some information about the acrylic board used for acrylic display stand; he will mainly talk about the norms, density and price of this kind of material.
1. What is colored acrylic board;
Acrylic is a kind of thermoplastic material. It is very popular in the display stand industry because of its beautiful appearance and good performance. Colored acrylic board can make the acrylic display stand more attractive and beautiful.
2. Norms:
The basic norms of colored acrylic board are 1.22*1.83m, 1.22*2.44m, 2*3m, 1.25*2.5m. The density of the colored acrylic board is based on its weight and volume.
Normally, the price of the acrylic board for acrylic display stand is based on the thickness and acreage of the board. Different thickness acrylic board has different price. 0.8mm acrylic board is about RMB24-32 for each square meter; and RMB30-40 for 1mm thickness ones; the thicker the acrylic board is, the higher the price. Another way to determine the price is according to the weight of the acrylic board; it is about RMB25-30/kg for any thickness board.
