Some Properties of Acrylic Display Stand

acrylic display stand
acrylic display stand

Acrylic display stand has wide application and now is very popular. The followings are some properties of this kind of display equipment.
1. Mechanical property;
The tensile strength, bending strength and compression strength of acrylic display stand are all higher than polyolefin, polystyrene and polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Even though its impact toughness is weaker, it is still better than polystyrene.
2. Electricity property;
Because acrylic has methoxycarbonyl (which is polarized), its electricity property is inferior to polyolefin and polystyrene. Acrylic display stand has strong arc resistance ability. It will not generate carbonized conductive pathways and arc tracking under the effect of electric arc.
3. Chemical reagent resistance;
Acrylic display stand can resist on dilute mineral acids, but thick mineral acids can corrode it. It can resist alkaline; but warm sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide are exception. It can resist salts, oil and aliphatic compounds; it is insoluble in water, methyl alcohol and glycerinum.  But it can absorb alcohol; it will swell and crack under the stress. It cannot resist ketone, chlorohydrocarbon and arene.
4. Weather resistance;

Acrylic display stand has perfect atmospheric aging resistance ability. After four years of natural aging test, the test sample’s weight, tensile strength and light transparency ability has decreased a little; its crazing resistance ability decreased obviously; but its impact resistance ability increased a little. The other physical properties does not change.
