Hot Pressing Molding Method for Acrylic Makeup Display Stand

acrylic makeup display stand
acrylic makeup display stand

Hot pressing molding method is a kind of method that use hot pressing ways to restructuring the material to a new shape. It is now been applied into acrylic makeup display stand molding and becomes an important production process.
The followings will introduce you about this method in details.
1. Check the acrylic material;
The acrylic material must be clean up if there is dust on the surface of the acrylic pieces for the makeup display stand. Then you can brush the glue on the acrylic pieces. Put the graphic pattern between the acrylic pieces and then hot pressing them.
2. Choose different hot pressing ways;
Hot pressing molding method can be divided into vacuum forming and compressing moulding method according to different pressure ways. Compressing moulding method is a way that uses pressure to mold the acrylic display stand for makeups after heat the acrylic in the mould to soft. Vacuum forming is a way that vacuumize on one side to make the acrylic pieces together; on vacuumize on one side and add pressure on the other side at the same time.

Comparing with other method, hot pressing molding method has several advantages like lower mould cost, even thickness of the finished products, etc. This method makes the acrylic makeup display stand production more and more easy and effective.
