acrylic sunglasses display stand |
The cost and profit are always two mostly concerned issues for the acrylic sunglasses display stand factories. The larger the factory is, the more attention they will pay attention to these two aspects. The cost and profits will not only influence the production schedule, but also will influence the quality of acrylic display stands for sunglasses.
1. From the cost aspect;
Some people may think that the cost of acrylic sunglasses display stands are only some material cost. However, the material is only a small part. Once the factory get the order, the designer needs to communicate with the customers to learn about their requests; sometimes they need to go to the customers’ place in person so as to learn more about their products, company culture and their stores. There will be many times of drawing change until the customers confirmed the design. After the production, the transportation cost is another aspect that needs the factory to pay. So the cost of acrylic display stands is not just about the material cost.
2. From the profit aspect;
In fact, the profit of acrylic sunglasses display stands can be found from every step. However, how much profit can you get is influenced by the team’s ability. It is noteworthy that, the acrylic display stand industry is more and more matured now, the human source cost is increasing and the material cost is also increasing, so the profit will be lower than before.
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