Matters Should Be Concerned During Acrylic Wine Display Stand Silk-screen

acrylic wine display stand
acrylic wine display stand

Acrylic wine display stand can use silk-screen tech to improve its beauty and marketing effect. The silk-screen can makes the acrylic display stand more upscale and attractive. However, any small mistakes during the silk-screen will make the whole acrylic piece scraped.
The followings are some matters should paid attention to during the silk-screen process.
1. If you want the graphic patterns looks unbroken, the negative film must be high quality ones. The film must be orderly and non-transparent.
2. Put the negative film onto the glass board to make it exposed; then put the silk film on to the negative film, make them parallel to the image axial. Then you can find if there is any fissure; if there has, move the screen film until there is not fissures. This will influence the silk-screen result of the acrylic wine display stand and also other kinds of acrylic display stand.
3. Different color screen film should also use the same size and material; and the tension at everywhere of the film should all be even.
4. The angle of the squeegee should be 75°; if the angle is too flat, the graphic patterns on the acrylic wine display stand will not clear; if the angle is too small, the pattern may be transformed. This is an aspect that determines the clearness and accuracy of the pattern.
5. As for sophisticated silk screen film, we should use high viscosity, strong color ink.

In general, there are many aspects should be paid attention to when doing silk-screen on the acrylic wine display stand (and also other kinds of acrylic display stand). Only if we can concern these aspects can we print better graphic pattern.
