The Daily Clean and Maintenance Work of Acrylic Display Stand for Wine

acrylic display stand for wine
acrylic display stand for wine

Acrylic display stand for wine has been applied into many wine stores; its appearance and function is much more excellent comparing with other material display stand. However, some user may not know how to clean and maintain it. The engineer from Shenzhen Responsy Display Company would like to share some useful clean and maintenance methods of acrylic material display stand for wine.
1. Normally, acrylic display stand for wine can be cleaned by water. You can also add some cleaner; if you want the keep the smoothness, brightness of the display stand for wine, you must choose a suitable cleaner which not only has clean function but also has maintenance function.
2. Waxing it regularly. Waxing is a good way to clean up the scratches on the surface of the acrylic display stand for wine. You can wax the stand once or twice a year. If the scratches are too large or deep, you may need polishing machine.

3. Use soft and clean cloth to wipe the acrylic display stand for wine. If there is some small dust on the surface of the stand, use soft and clean wet cloth to wipe it; if the dust is too large, you should blow them away first. Do not use dry, dirty and rough cloth to clean it.
