Light Using Principle for Acrylic Jewelry Display Stand

acrylic jewelry display stand
acrylic jewelry display stand

Comparing with other products, acrylic jewelry display stand is not large in size, so the light choosing for jewelry is wide. No matter how beautiful the jewelry is, it needs light to set off it.
LED light has strong penetrating power, and it can bring excellent three dimensional feeling. This kind of light can be used for short distance lighting to the jewelry. The acrylic display stand for jewelry with LED light can improve the overall level and value of your jewelries. In addition, LED light contains no UV light and infrared ray, so it will not damage the jewelries. It is now the best light added to the acrylic jewelry display stand.
As for the light, there are three aspects that need to be concerned:
1. The man-made light used for jewelries must be small and low temperature, and avoid it from damaging the light.
2. High illumination is a necessary way to attract the customers, but the illumination should be appropriate; too high illumination may make the customer feel dizzy.
3. The light should be irradiated to the jewelry, make the jewelry on the acrylic jewelry display stand as the center.

However, different kind of light is suitable for different jewelries. Some jewelries like gold, needs high illumination; other jewelries like jadeite does not need high illumination. The light used on the acrylic jewelry display stand is also an important aspect that can influence the beauty and image of the jewelries.
